5 Tech Tools to Help You Learn How to Code

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In the past, learning to code posed a significant barrier to entry because it required a thorough understanding of programming languages. Many beginner coding courses are available these days, and you can pursue them online or on your phone. You don’t have to struggle when learning to code; keep reading about tech tools that make coding simple.

1. Python Tutor

Python Tutor is a Python Visualizer that aids in the learning of programming. Philip Guo, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley, created Python Tutor. Python Tutor has been around for over ten years, and over five million people have used it to visualize over 75 million lines of code.

Python Tutor’s graphical user interface allows you to explore Python programs (GUI) interactively. You can use your mouse or touch screen to execute individual lines of code, see the results instantly on-screen, and continue exploring without having to retype anything with Python tutor.

You only need to type one line at a time, and when you finish, hit enter to have the program execute it. Python tutor is beneficial to Python programmers in visualizing Python code, and it is a valuable tool for learning Python and other programming languages.

2. Code Academy

Code Academy is a technological tool that teaches you how to code. It has a variety of programming courses for beginners and advanced options for those who have some experience with the fundamentals. They provide real-world projects and project-based learning, as well as interactive coding challenges. The best thing about Code Academy is that it is entirely free to use.

You earn badges based on how well you perform as you learn. Code Academy also has a community component, which is ideal for people who want to collaborate and share their knowledge and experience with other coders. Members can discuss coding concepts and share resources in the site’s forums.

3. MIT Open Courseware

MIT Open Courseware is a free online resource that teaches people how to code. In this regard, you can watch and interact with all of MIT’s lectures. You will be able to interact with exercises, projects, and quizzes to learn how to code in a step-by-step manner.

Intro To Computational Thinking is a course offered by MIT Open Courseware that teaches how to design programs. In this way, the user will learn to solve complex problems quickly.

There are many tech tools that you can learn about by using MIT Open Courseware. Racket, for example, is a programming language and platform that programmers all over the world use. The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is DrRacket, and the documentation is available on the Racket website.

4. Udacity

Udacity is an online learning platform that offers programming courses in 13 languages, including Java, C++, and Python. There are also resources for technical jobs such as data science and project management on the site. Udacity is unlike a traditional college in that there are no formal classes or schedules. Instead, students can work at their own pace with the assistance of teachers who keep track of their progress and provide feedback.

As a result, anyone can enroll in these courses without leaving their current job or relocating. Software engineering skills are not the only thing that gets taught. Udacity also offers career counseling through partnerships with companies like Google and Facebook, so students can find out what jobs are available after they complete their coursework.

5. Coursera

Coursera is an online education and training company that includes coding. They offer programming courses, such as web development, taught by Duke University’s Stephen Grider. The course is getting refined to meet the needs of people who want to learn to code but have busy schedules.

It’s aimed at those who want to create their website or make an existing one more interactive and those who want to learn how to program apps for mobile devices like iPads and iPhones. The course covers HTML, CSS3, Ruby on Rails, Git/GitHub, Heroku, and Mobile Development using Objective-C (iOS) and Android SDK over five weeks (Java).

After completing this course, you will be able to build dynamic websites using JavaScript, SQL, and other tools, learn how to use APIs, understand the basics of the Ruby on Rails framework, and deploy your apps on Heroku or GitHub. Foundation videos provide an overview of the topics presented to the students, so being a beginner is not an issue.

If you’ve been thinking about learning to code but aren’t sure where to begin, these five resources will come in handy. They can assist you in understanding the fundamentals and getting your feet wet before enrolling in a full-fledged coding program or course.

Sierra Powell:
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