At one point you could defend a kingdom by creating a moat–a small man-made river–around the castle. A moat offers little–if any–protection today. Attacks evolve over time, so defense must also adapt and evolve to remain effective.
The same is true when it comes to cyber security. There are processes, tools, and techniques that were incredibly effective when they were introduced but are relatively useless today. Attackers find innovative new ways to circumvent those defenses and organizations and individuals need to employ more advanced techniques to defend against emerging threats.
This whitepaper describes why legacy security techniques are no longer sufficient, and what it takes to ensure your cyber defense keeps up with the attackers. Here is an excerpt from the intro:
The Problem
The cyber security industry is now over 30 years old. And just like people, with each passing decade, we realize that what worked for us in our 20s, simply won’t work for us now or going forward. In fact, carrying forward the mindset and behaviors of those first 20 years exposes us to countless problems in health and long term solvency. We learn that to survive in the world we must adapt and evolve to a higher form of existence. The antiquated and archaic practices of our past limit our visibility into the future in detecting, and thereby avoiding, maliciousness. Consequently they have given rise to a freight train sized hole of opportunity for the cyber criminals, nation states and cyber miscreants that wish to exploit our blindspots in the cyber world.
Check out this whitepaper from Cylance to learn more about how cyber defense needs to adapt and evolve: Applying Data Science to Advanced Threats.
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