Jeremiah Grossman Talks Asset Discovery and the Importance of the Right Team

Jeremiah Grossman, founder and CEO of Bit Discovery, joins me for this episode of the Inner Circle podcast. We talk about the focus of Bit Discovery and the importance of having an accurate inventory of assets on the network for an organization–as well as some of the challenges that make it difficult to maintain an accurate inventory.

We also talk about the core team of people that Jeremiah has worked with as he has founded multiple cybersecurity companies and moved through his career, and the balance between having a great idea and having the right team to execute the idea.

“Ideas and intelligence are a little overrated. I’d actually prefer a work ethic, you know–people that grind and work together really well and don’t have much of an ego,” explains Grossman. “Because, not everybody can be smart at all things at all times. So, if you’re humble enough to–you run into a problem, you look at it, you accept it as a problem or you made a mistake, and solve it–and you just grind at it every single day, it’s very difficult to lose. It’s very difficult NOT to succeed when you’re just willing to put in the sweat equity. People will bet on you when you show up.”

Of course, no conversation with Jeremiah would be complete without touching on the topic of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It has become a thing that cybersecurity professionals get involved in the martial art–and it seems like Jeremiah is one of the primary inspirations or catalysts behind that movement.

Check out this episode of the Inner Circle podcast to learn more about Bit Discovery, asset inventory, the importance of a team and a solid work ethic, and why Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a go-to extracurricular activity for cybersecurity professionals.

Tony Bradley: I have a passion for technology and gadgets--with a focus on Microsoft and security--and a desire to help others understand how technology can affect or improve their lives. I also love spending time with my wife, 7 kids, 4 dogs, 7 cats, a pot-bellied pig, and sulcata tortoise, and I like to think I enjoy reading and golf even though I never find time for either. You can contact me directly at For more from me, you can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
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