Sheela Sarva Offers Insight on Being a Woman in Technology and Cybersecurity

TechSpective Podcast Sheela Sarva QualysTechSpective Podcast Sheela Sarva Qualys

March is Women’s History Month, and also the month we celebrate International Women’s Day. That also makes it the month that media outlets focus on women and highlight the challenges and triumphs of women in society. My guest on this episode of the TechSpective Podcast is Sheela Sarva, a Senior Application Security Manager with Qualys, to talk about her experiences as a female working in technology and cybersecurity, and insights and guidance she can offer young women considering what to do with their lives or just entering the workforce.

We discuss some of the struggles that women face in general, and the role of gender stereotypes. Although, we seem to be making some progress, there is still a distinct difference in the narratives that society tells about boys versus girls, and the somewhat predetermined nature of what is acceptable for boys or girls to do. Even when boys and girls are playing with the same toy, manufacturers still feel compelled to make a “masculine” and “feminine” version.

Even when there is progress, it often highlights just how far we still have to go as well. Hasbro recently made the progressive–and very practical–decision to merge Mr. Potato Head and Mrs. Potato Head into a single gender-neutral Potato Head toy that includes both masculine and feminine accessories together and many primitive-thinking people have lost their minds about it.

Hopefully, we will eventually get to a place where we treat everyone with equal respect regardless of gender, identity, religion, culture, or other factors. Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day are both great, but we should recognize the value and benefits of women all year–not just the month of March. Ultimately, diversity benefits businesses and society, and we all need to embrace more of it.

Tony Bradley: I have a passion for technology and gadgets--with a focus on Microsoft and security--and a desire to help others understand how technology can affect or improve their lives. I also love spending time with my wife, 7 kids, 4 dogs, 7 cats, a pot-bellied pig, and sulcata tortoise, and I like to think I enjoy reading and golf even though I never find time for either. You can contact me directly at For more from me, you can follow me on Threads, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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