GovTech and COSU Devices: How to Make Local Governments More Accessible

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Before government technology software (also known as GovTech) became mainstream, paying taxes or applying for a local government permit was a trying experience. Red tape has long been a defining factor of many government services. Citizens had to wait in long lines, fill out forms manually, and shuttle from one office to another. As a result, applications took days, weeks, or even months.

Thankfully, computerization has reached local government offices. Manual processes have given way to digital systems that remove long lines, misplaced documents, and excessive delays. In many cases, applying for driver’s licenses or business permits now takes a few hours instead of days or weeks.

As long as applicants submit the required documents, they can expect smooth services and instant results. Dedicated devices have cut through the red tape and given government services the green light.

How GovTech Ensures Smooth Public Administration

GovTech has undoubtedly made public service a more delightful experience for citizens. Gone are the days when manual applications took days to process, risking lost or damaged forms along the way.

Today, even government officials who are out of the office can still sign approvals. They can log in to their government-issued smartphones to browse electronic documents and issue their approvals in digital format.

Thanks to digital systems, government services have minimized delays and become more efficient. For individuals applying for business permits, this means they can start almost immediately instead of spending days waiting for the results.

GovTech is also responsible for decongesting city hall. Citizens can now file virtually any application online, so they don’t have to be present during each step. Rather, local officers will only need applicants to show up personally during the final stages of review and approvals.

The Need for Better GovTech

During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, local officials realized the need for improved GovTech platforms and services. The pandemic effectively closed all offices, including city hall, but local government doesn’t have the luxury of shutting down. Instead, it called on citizens to go online for everything from applying for government aid to requesting payment relief.

The pandemic also exposed areas without reliable internet connectivity. Those living in far-flung areas still had to come to city hall for basic services. But instead of long lines, GovTech enables residents to get help from information kiosks or self-service portals scattered throughout the government building. With its friendly user interface, these devices can provide quick and timely assistance at any time.

How Field Officers Can Take Advantage of COSU Devices

Citizens aren’t the only ones who benefit from GovTech. Modernization and digitization also help government field personnel such as police officers, census takers, health and safety inspectors, public works engineers, and even postal workers. Instead of spending valuable time calling government headquarters for needed information, they can simply use their smart devices to access needed data.

For instance, police officers used to call dispatchers over the radio to verify the license and registration data of held drivers. But modern GovTech technology now enables officers to access the police database themselves using a COSU (corporate-owned, single-use) device.

This smart device can wirelessly access the local police database and verify if a driver’s information is up-to-date. They can also see any previous and outstanding warrants or cases. This vital information gives officers the background and context they need to decide which steps to take next.

Similarly, public works engineers, health inspectors, and government auditors can bring their work with them on the field via COSU smart devices. They can easily download and access important details to help them make timely decisions that can affect public safety and well-being.

GovTech COSU Devices for Better Local Government Workflows

Local government IT administrators have their hands full managing COSU devices used daily by their contemporaries. For instance, city hall’s digital billboards, information kiosks, and automated payment centers are all-powerful computers that have basically been capped to perform only specific functions.

Similarly, GovTech devices carried by government officers in the field are often locked by admins to run only official apps and blocked from nonproductive use such as browsing the web, playing games, or using social media. Locks keep the devices ready for use—but only for their singular purpose.

Keeping these GovTech devices performing optimally requires an equally resilient device management platform. Depending on their manufacturer, various GovTech devices run on different operating systems (OSs). This means that the fleet of varied COSU units requires a device- and OS-agnostic manager. IT admins can then control the entire fleet regardless of their make, model, or operating system.

Once connected to each device, the mobile device management software can perform low-level management tasks. This includes installing updates or applications, performing fixes, or applying patches.

In addition, a suitable GovTech device manager should easily handle accessibility issues. Different government users have varied access levels, so assigning them the corresponding access on their devices is part of an IT admin’s work. A reliable device manager should have no problems managing individual access levels and checking users every time they log in.

Given today’s strict privacy laws concerning data, safeguarding private information is a priority task for the device management team. Admins should have the power to remotely kick out users attempting to go beyond their assigned access level. They can also disable devices that report too many unauthorized access attempts. Additionally, admins can delete data or wipe device memory to remove any chance of data theft.

Reliable Device Management Means Better Local Government Services

Whether it’s an information kiosk or a field device, local governments have a wide need for various COSU devices. But to ensure these devices work properly, government leaders should also invest in proper management software.

GovTech devices will need the right management platform to keep system software and applications continuously up-to-date. They’ll also need enhanced security services to prevent unauthorized users and information theft while maintaining data privacy.

An investment in reliable device management software enables local government COSU devices to do what they do best: serve the public.

Nadav Avni:
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