DevOps has gone from IT buzzword to mainstream IT culture over the past few years but many businesses are still cautiously sitting on the sidelines struggling to understand why they should embrace DevOps. There are significant business benefits to DevOps. The most compelling reason to adopt DevOps tools and principles, though, is that not doing so puts your business at a significant disadvantage.
I wrote this post about the business benefits of DevOps:
As DevOps has become more of a mainstream concept it seems like there’s less need to define what it is or explain what it does. As prevalent as DevOps is for those of us who work in the world of DevOps or organizations that have already embraced DevOps there are still many businesses out there muddling along the old-fashioned way and wondering why they should care about DevOps.
The simple answer is that not caring about DevOps may be suicidal. The 2014 State of DevOps report found that organizations successfully implementing DevOps tools and practices lead competitors in almost every relevant metric. Two statistics that stand out from that report are that companies using DevOps are twice as likely to exceed profitability, market share, and productivity goals, and had 50 percent higher market capitalization and growth than rival businesses.
Why is that, though? What is it about DevOps that leads an organization to be more profitable and productive? It’s a combination of three things, really: faster delivery times, greater stability / reliability, and freeing up time to focus on value.
Let’s break those down some. DevOps is an evolution of the Agile development methodology. In fact, I’ve asserted in the past that DevOps is really just a matter of taking Agile principles and applying them to the rest of the companyoutside of software development. Whether Agile or DevOps the result when it comes to developing software is faster, more frequent delivery.
Next we have greater stability and reliability. It might seem that the traditional linear method of developing software and releasing it on a pre-defined schedule is more stable. Developers and the rest of the organization have plenty of time to refine the code before it’s deployed, they know exactly when it will be deployed, and they know it basically won’t change for another year or so when the next major release is scheduled. The reality is the complete opposite in many cases.
Developing with a rigid process methodology like waterfall means that only the changes and features identified at the beginning of the project are included in the release. As the need for improvements or additional features is identified during development those things are sidelined and added to a list to be pursued in the next release cycle. By the time the software is developed, tested, and deployed it is already out of date to some extent and bugs or issues that are identified take longer to address or get pushed to be handled in the next major release.
See the full story on The business benefits of DevOps.
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