Cloud Computing Tips for Small Businesses

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After implementing a cloud computing solution, 40 percent of businesses stated that they experienced better agility, meaning that they could more easily adapt to market changes and adjust their strategies to enhance growth and profit. With various cloud-based platforms now offering integrative solutions specifically for small businesses, it makes sense for them to take advantage of the industry and size-specific storage and computing options offered to truly reap the benefits of cloud technology. In implementing this technology, however, small businesses will need to understand how to avoid pitfalls and maximize their investment.

Be Mindful About Data Security

Sure, you’ve probably heard that cloud computing presents its users with various risks but managing data in any capacity inherently involves some sort of risk and necessity for cloud security. When implementing cloud-based solutions as part of a small business, it’s important to always have security in mind, and take preventative measures to protect your company’s data and the work of your employees. It helps to implement data security values as part of your company’s mission statement and invest time and money in training your employees how to properly use cloud-based platforms to enhance safety. Virtual private networks can increase safety when accessing the cloud and encouraging every member of a small business to use a VPN will increase security across the board.

Encourage Cross-Team Collaboration

One of the greatest things about living in a digital world is the access to constant communication that it provides workers with, specifically in small businesses where employees wear many different hats. In implementing cloud-based technology, it’s important for small businesses to use it to encourage this type of collaboration and communication. By allowing employees to gain access to cloud-based documents, platforms and methods of communication wherever they are, you’re able to provide them with the tools they need to not only complete their jobs effectively, but do so while communicating their issues, ideas and strategies with their coworkers.

Provide Employees with Devices

Allowing employees to bring their own devices to work might seem like a cost-effective solution for any small business who is struggling to get ahead, but it can be harmful to a company’s data security. If you’re going to allow employees to use their own laptops and devices when accessing a cloud network for work, it’s important to make it clear that the device must have the network’s security measures installed and properly functioning. Giving employees a device to work on in the office will ensure that they don’t take any sensitive data home with them, while also ensuring that the device isn’t being connected to networks where hackers could gain access to sensitive company data. Seeing as only 44 percent of employees think their company effectively uses the latest technology to enable them to effectively perform their role, this investment will pay off in terms of both security and productivity.

Scale Your Business Mindfully

Utilizing cloud-based platforms to scale a small business is a great way to encourage communication, promote data safety and create a culture of security both in terms of your employees’ work and the company’s overall output. Cloud computing for small businesses has the ability to increase productivity and provide employees with access to endless tools that make working easier and safer, but only if you’ve taken the right security measures to protect your cloud and its contents beforehand.

Lucy Wyndham:

View Comments (1)

  • Cloud computing is certainly becoming the norm in business. Even right down to accounting software, cloud-based programs makes things easier for everyone on the team. Thanks for a great post!

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