4 Things You Need to Invest in to Improve Employee Productivity

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Having more productive employees is very good for business. The more work your employees do in less time, the more revenue your business will generate.

Getting employees to be more productive might seem like a colossal task, but it is actually very easy to achieve once you have the right investments in place. So, to help you improve employee productivity at your company I have made a list of investments you need to make…

#1 Regular assessments and tests

The first thing you must invest in is a tool that will help you assess your employees better. These are online tools or apps where you create surveys and tests and email them to your employees. They then take part in them and provide their answers. These will help you understand more about what your employees like at work, what they don’t and how this is affecting their productivity and what you can do to improve it.

Depending on your budget, you should be able to find a variety of tools that fit your needs. These could range from fun quiz tools to survey tools. And if you are on a tight budget, you can always use something like Google forms.

The key here is to keep the surveys short. It should not take your employees more than 5 to 10 minutes to answer them. If you want to ask your employees a lot of questions you should spread them over a bunch of surveys over weeks. It is a lot easier to get employees to take a short 5-minute survey(s) than to get them to take one that is 45 minutes long.

Also, make sure they are mobile optimized as this will allow them to take part from anywhere.

#2 The best technology

There are two categories of technology that can improve your employees’ productivity.

One category consists of management software. These include things like scheduling software to manage the days of all employees, a time clock app for shift workers, tracking software for employees who use laptops/desktops, communication software, etc.

This technology will help you manage your employees better and get the most out of them.

The other category of technology consists of tools they will use at work. This includes laptops, software, apps, printers, scanners, etc.

If you provide the best tools, they will be able to work uninterrupted and get more done in less time. But if your technology isn’t up to the mark and keeps crashing and needs regular repairs, it will affect their rhythm and mood and their productivity will dwindle.

#3 Workshops

You can also improve productivity by conducting workshops regularly. After you follow my first tip and invest in a good employee assessment tool and regularly assess your employees you will know what skills they lack and the skills they require. So, you can take steps to help them develop these skills by investing in workshops.

This is where you invite an expert and get them to teach skills that will help your employees get more work done in less time. You can also conduct workshops for managers. Many managers lack the proper skills to communicate and motivate their employees. So, a workshop from a top manager can help them a lot.

You don’t have to always invite an expert from another company, as you can also get the best employees/managers at your company to conduct the workshops.

#4 Employee happiness

The happier your employees are the more productive they will be. This is why along with improving their productivity, you should also work on improving happiness. So, do everything in your power from improving their work environment to providing incentives to make your employees as happy as possible.

When employees are happy, they will feel a stronger connection with your company and their colleagues, and they will try harder to help the company accomplish its goals.


These are the 4 things you need to invest in to improve employee productivity. Investing in all of them will cost your company a good amount of time and money, but it is definitely worth it as it will help your company generate even more money in the future. The monetary return will not be immediate, so don’t expect instant results. You need to have a long-term plan for this.

Evan Morris: Known for his boundless energy and enthusiasm. Evan works as a Freelance Networking Analyst, an avid blog writer, particularly around technology, cybersecurity and forthcoming threats which can compromise sensitive data. With a vast experience of ethical hacking, Evan’s been able to express his views articulately.
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