Tony Bradley

I have a passion for technology and gadgets--with a focus on Microsoft and security--and a desire to help others understand how technology can affect or improve their lives. I also love spending time with my wife, 7 kids, 4 dogs, 7 cats, a pot-bellied pig, and sulcata tortoise, and I like to think I enjoy reading and golf even though I never find time for either. You can contact me directly at For more from me, you can follow me on Threads, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Glossary of Internet and technology terms


Definition: Phishing is a type of attack aimed at obtaining a user’s personal or confidential information. It typically involves some sort of spam email designed to lure a user to a spoofed web site. Also Known As: Phishing Attack, Phishing […]

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms


Definition: Pharming is similar to phishing in that it aims to collect personal and confidential user information which can be used for identity theft and other malicious purposes. Pharming relies on making unauthorized changes to DNS entries which result in

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms


Definition: A patch is like a bandaid. As a company finds bugs and defects in their software they know that they need to fix them when they release the next version of the application. However, some bugs make the current

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms


Definition: A packet, otherwise known as a datagram, is a fragment of data. Data transmissions are broken up into packets. Each packet contains a portion of the data being sent as well as header information which includes the destination address.

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms

Packet Filter

Definition: A packet filter is a type of firewall. Packet filters can restrict network traffic and protect your network by rejecting packets from unauthorized hosts, using unauthorized ports or trying to connect to unauthorized IP addresses.

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms


Definition: Peer-to-Peer Networking (P2P) is a phrase coined to apply to individual PC’s acting as servers to other individual PC’s. Made popular by the music file swapping service Napster, P2P allows users to share files with each other through a

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms

Network Security

Definition: Network security is used to describe all aspects of securing your computer or computers from unauthorized access. This includes blocking outsiders from getting into the network at all, as well as password protecting your computers and ensuring that only

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms


Definition: Technically, it only takes two computers, or hosts, to form a network. A network is any two or more computers connected together to share data or resources. Common network resources are things like printers that may be shared by

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms


Definition: NAT, otherwise known as Network Address Translation, is used to mask the true identity of internal computers. Typically, the NAT server or device has a public IP address that can be seen by external Hosts. Computers on the local

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