5 Benefits of Linguistic Learning

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There is no form of communication that is as complex as the human language. Speech is what connects humans around the world. Although the languages we speak are so diverse, the tone, inclinations and connotations can be deciphered to understand ideologies and similarities across certain languages and cultures.

Linguistics give you the opportunity to learn how speech and sound work. Have you ever wondered why some accents are different than others? You can learn how sentences are structured, the power struggle in open discourse, how we convey meanings in speech writing and how we have the ability to learn multiple languages. This is why linguistic learning is such a beneficial tool.

Learn something new

We use speech every single day—you just have to get one croaky cough to begin to value our ability to speak. Learning about how words are formed (phonetics), or how we structure our sentences (syntax) are the first steps in understanding the meanings into why we say certain things (semantics). Humans are complicated beings and learning about how we communicate, from writing to speaking, or even to how we sound, can give us more of an insight into ourselves.

Improve communication skills

One of the biggest benefits is that we can improve our everyday communication skills. From working out why a certain syntax is used, to understanding the meaning behind how words are said, we can use the basic elements of linguistics with every conversation we have. Whether you’re public speaking and need to inspire and persuade, or you need to write a speech for your brother’s wedding; building the confidence to create the right balance of empathy in conversation is a vital skill to master.

Improve critical thinking and analytical skills

You’ll be working with large amounts of data in all mediums, such as text, video and audio. Being able to find the relevant information to analyze and form conclusions is an impressive skill to have that’ll be beneficial in a number of professions. Learning linguistics means you’ll be able to spot patterns in speech and be able to decipher grammar fundamentals in different languages.
Pathway to a new career
Learning how to solve puzzles from communication, or even creating hypotheses from large amounts of data, can lead to a successful career not only in linguistics. Solving puzzles in a professional manner can help in large capacities of the police force, such as, forensic linguist, or as a lawyer, in psychology and sociology. Good communication can help in any field but especially in lexicography, HR, as a teacher, in editorial and publishing or in management.


Linguistics is fairly new in the realms of science so many hypotheses are left unanswered. Linguists must tackle this by using creative strategies to problem solve in order to discover new results. This means that, if you take up this type of learning, you could help unlock new discoveries about human brains. Learning more about how and why we interact the way we do could be the most important benefit to this type of study, as there’s so much left for us to discover.

Naomi Webb: Contributing author for TechSpective.

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  • I wished to do a course in Linguistics but found no place n no value for it and even appropriate research institution in India.
    Teachers have very less or almost no interest in linguistics which is the basis for a language teacher none do bother about it. Here in India an effective English teacher means one who explains in his first language and expects students express in English... it's quite common and natural from KG to PG...
    Basavanyappa, LET, Shimoga India

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