Tony Bradley

I have a passion for technology and gadgets--with a focus on Microsoft and security--and a desire to help others understand how technology can affect or improve their lives. I also love spending time with my wife, 7 kids, 4 dogs, 7 cats, a pot-bellied pig, and sulcata tortoise, and I like to think I enjoy reading and golf even though I never find time for either. You can contact me directly at For more from me, you can follow me on Threads, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Glossary of Internet and technology terms


Definition: Spam is the term used to describe unwanted or unsolicited email. It is generally sent in bulk to millions of email addresses at once and frequently contains other security concerns such as viruses, worms or phishing attacks. Also Known

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms


Definition: Simple Network Management Protocol, or SNMP, is a protocol used for monitoring network devices. Devices like printers and routers use SNMP to communicate their status. Administrators use SNMP to manage the function of various network devices. Also Known As:

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms


Definition: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, or SMTP, is used to send email. The SMTP protocol provides a common language for different servers to send and receive email messages. The default TCP/IP port for the SMTP protocol is port 25. Also

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms

Script Kiddie

Definition: Script kiddie is a derogatory term used by hackers or crackers to describe novice hackers. The term is derived from the fact that these novice hackers tend to rely on existing scripts, tools and exploits to create their attacks.

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms


Definition: A rootkit is a set of tools and utilities that a hacker can use to maintain access once they have hacked a system. The rootkit tools allow them to seek out usernames and passwords, launch attacks against remote systems,

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms

Proxy Server

Definition: A proxy server acts as a middleman between your internal and external networks. It serves the dual roles of speeding up access to the Internet as well as providing a layer of protection for the internal network. Clients send

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms


Definition: A protocol is a set of rules or agreed upon guidelines for communication. When communicating it is important to agree on how to do so. If one party speaks French and one German the communications will most likely fail.

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Glossary of Internet and technology terms


Definition: Port has a dual definition in computers. There are various ports on the computer itself: ports to plug in your mouse, keyboard, USB devices, printer, monitor, etc. The kind of ports that are more relevant to information security however

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