email high-performing email

Business Email Templates: Tips to Create High-Performing Emails

Are mass email newsletters used for promo campaigns only? Obviously, not. Mass emails are required both for B2C and B2B. But not all business emails drive good results. First of all, you should search for well-structured business HTML email tempates. Second of all, be sure to make your emails highly informative. Third of all, send them on time! And stick to the ground rules, mentioned above.

Before diving into the rules and ideas on how to make business emails performing, let’s define the main differences between promo and business emails.

As we know, the primary goal of promo newsletters is to sell goods, services, etc. But what about business emails?

Some think that only lawyers and CEOs need those messages. In fact, the area of their use is much wider. They are used for business correspondence, internal corporate notifications, employees’ education, including invitations to webinars and conferences, legal service and human resources sphere, and even for mass media! Pretty wide, isn’t?

Promo newsletters should appeal to emotions to be selling. What about business messages? They should be:

a. informative;

b. trustworthy looking.

email tamples high performing emailKnowing these two principles, we can presume which elements are required to make your business emails effective. Email subject lines and content may really differ, but in any case, it’s crucial to create emails that evoke recipient’s trust and motivate him or her to read the message to the end.

We won’t speak a lot about the content. It is enough to mention that emails are to be very concise, and informative, with clear accents on the most important topics. The rest depends on you! Be creative yet remember that no superfluous things are welcome in business correspondence. Conciseness is a key to success.

Obligatory elements for all business emails

  • Informative subject line
  • Your corporate domain
  • Formal language
  • Signature

Informative subject lines

We all are aware of the necessity of proper email subject lines. Make them descriptive and informative — by looking at it, your clients should know what the email is about.

And certainly, if this is a business follow-up email or an answer to a client’s question or a request, the subject of the email should say it.

Corporate domain

The corporate domain is crucial for all businesses, and each employee should have his or her email address registered on the very domain. Your clients need to recognize the sender and need to be able to reply to all your messages.

But if you still do not have a private domain, you can configure your corporate emails via Gmail. Here, you can read about how to do it.

Formal language

Maybe, it’s hard to call any language an element, but! the copy of all business emails should be formal. No slang words, no jargon, even a professional one — just formal literary language.


We send many emails to our friends and families every day. All those people know our email address, so they don’t care if you have added a signature to the email or not.

But it doesn’t work when it comes to business correspondence. Signature is really important as people may know nothing about you or maybe they hear about you for the first time. How will they contact you online or offline?

Here’s the list of the elements of a professional email signature:

  • full name;
  • position;
  • phone number — you may share even your cell phone numbers in you trust your clients;
  • work hours;
  • a photo or another image, but it has to be related to your business!

email tamples high performing email


Personalization makes wonders — it increases CTR by 14 percent and conversion by 10 percent. Currently, only of all email template builders enable its users to insert merge tags into email templates for business to make newsletters personalized.

Note: you can personalize either a greeting or a subject line — it is totally within your discretion. Personalize by the first names, last names, etc. But most business email examples show that personalization by the first and last names is more common, which means, is more preferable.

email tamples high performing email

Business email design

There are no strict rules on how to design a business email. It usually depends on the area, your company concept, and style.

But there are some common things to take into consideration when creating a business email template:

  • responsive web design — to make sure that your emails are displayed correctly on all devices and in all email clients;
  • appropriate images — wear formal outfits;
  • videos — add then when it’s reasonable. By using video in emails, you increase your CTR by 300 percent, according to Salesforce. Best works for business introduction email templates;
  • brand consistency — stay on-brand in all emails;
  • header with logo and contact information;
  • signature, we have already discussed it.

email tamples high performing email


Email is the best business communication tool. Luckily, the times when companies providing legal service and financial consulting used to send boring colorless emails have gone, fortunately. Today all the newsletters are to be designed well. Stick to the aforementioned tips — and your business emails will be good-looking and high-performing.

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