Useful Technology That Can Improve Small Business Sales Operations

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Sales are the lifeblood of every business. Even if all other business operations are smooth, if incoming sales are too low, performance in other areas won’t pay the bills. And for that reason, it’s imperative to devote the necessary resources to improve your sales operations.

Some small business owners have a solid grasp of the sales process, while others struggle to wrap their heads around what it takes to succeed year over year. Fortunately, there are a variety of technologies that can improve small business sales operations.

Only you can decide which types of technology and tools are best for you and your business. By considering all your options, you’ll find yourself in a position to make an informed and confident decision.

Experiment with These Technologies

Technology is playing a bigger role in the sales process today than ever before. Here are some of the many types of technologies you should experiment with in the near future.

1. Collaboration Technology

Increasingly businesses are concluding that remote work is the wave of the future. Like it or not, this is the direction things are heading.

This makes collaboration technology essential to success, especially in regards to sales.

While effective collaboration means something different to every company, one thing remains the same: communication. Why? Because it’s a necessity in remote work environments.

This technology provides benefits such as:

  • The ability to stay in touch with other team members, regardless of location
  • A safe and secure place to communicate, share files, and conduct video and voice chats
  • The opportunity to share insights, data, and important information with other departments and sales professionals

Depending on your age, you may remember the days when collaborating meant calling people on the phone, meeting in person, and sending/receiving fax messages.

Technology has changed this for the better.

2. Human Resources Software

Even if you have a small staff, human resources software can do big things for your business.

These software platforms are designed to help with tasks such as:

  • Recruiting
  • Hiring
  • Training
  • Time tracking
  • Payroll
  • Communicating with employees

But what does this have to do with sales? Well, here are just a few ways human resources software can help:

  • Efficiently recruit, hire, and train the best sales talent.
  • Accurately manage payroll, including commission and bonus payments.
  • Effective time tracking, such as when sales professionals are working remotely.

3. Customer Relationship Management Software

There’s nothing new about customer relationship management (CRM) software. It has been around for years, and there’s no reason to believe this will change in the future.

However, the CRM platforms of today are more powerful than ever before. They’re faster, packed with more features, and designed for the busy sales professional who needs access to data on the fly.

For example, the most advanced CRM software platforms are more than a database of customers and prospects. They can provide you with a better understanding of prospect behavior, which will impact your sales strategy and sales cycle.

Every small business needs a powerful CRM software platform. Gone are the days of notebooks and business cards.

4. Mobile Applications

While salespeople have always been “on the go,” this is even more so the case today. In addition to spending a lot of time on the road, many salespeople now work remotely.

Mobile applications—regardless of the type—are essential to the success of any small business sales team. Here’s why:

  • They allow for efficient and effective work from anywhere in the world.
  • It eliminates the need for salespeople to need access to a computer.
  • It allows for a more streamlined process.

With thousands upon thousands of mobile applications to consider, make a list of the areas where your sales operation needs the most help. Examples include:

  • Communication
  • Proposals
  • Negotiations

There’s an app for everything; all you have to do is conduct a search and experiment with a few options.

5. Data Security Technology

Did you know that cybercrime is up approximately 600% as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Even though data security has long been a concern of small businesses, this is even more so the case in today’s world.

Fostering trust between your company and your clients, especially in regards to their data can make or break a business relationship. With the right technology, you’ll feel more confident in keeping customer and prospect data safe and secure, and clients will feel more comfortable continuing their relationships with you.

From mobile devices to computers to servers, all aspects of your small business sales operation should be protected by data security technology.

Final Thoughts

Yes, technology can be confusing at times. And yes, it can also be expensive. But that shouldn’t stop you from finding technology that’s designed to improve your sales operations.

Once you know where your sales team is lagging, you can implement technology to pick up the slack. As it begins to take hold, you’ll come to realize that you’re making positive changes that will benefit you, your sales professionals, and your company as a whole.

Beau Peters: Beau Peters is a creative professional with a lifetime of experience in service and care. As a manager, he's learned a slew of tricks of the trade that he enjoys sharing with others.

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