Continuous Improvement

incident management platform cybersecurity

Crucial Capabilities of a Modern Incident Management Platform

What to Look for in an Incident Management Platform Much like any other strategic business decision, choosing a suitable incident response and management platform takes some serious thought. After all, the security of an organization’s data and systems is paramount […]

Crucial Capabilities of a Modern Incident Management Platform Read More »

business process management

Stay on top of all that agile DevOps development with business process management

You’re probably familiar with the old axiom, “Practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.” Well, in a similar vein faster isn’t necessarily better–at least not in and of itself. Doing the right things faster is better, but organizations that

Stay on top of all that agile DevOps development with business process management Read More »


DockerCon was about more than just the Open Container Project

The Open Container Project was the DockerCon “shot heard ’round the world”. The news that Docker and CoreOS worked out their differences and united in a common effort along with just about every major tech company to develop and maintain

DockerCon was about more than just the Open Container Project Read More »

IBM Watson

IBM Watson supercomputer strives to achieve continuous value

The IBM Watson supercomputer simultaneously depends on and drives DevOps. It relies on DevOps principles because a self-learning cognitive system needs continuous monitoring and continuous improvement to keep up with the volume of data being analyzed. Without DevOps Watson would

IBM Watson supercomputer strives to achieve continuous value Read More »

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