News & Analysis

OTCSA Operational Technology Cyber Security Alliance critical infrastructure

OTCSA Launches to Improve Cybersecurity for OT and Critical Infrastructure

Cybersecurity is a significant challenge for companies of all sizes and across all industries around the world. As challenging as cybersecurity can be with modern or cutting-edge technology, it is often harder to secure and protect legacy hardware and software—the

OTCSA Launches to Improve Cybersecurity for OT and Critical Infrastructure Read More »

Qualys IOC EDR Indication of Compromise

Effective Cybersecurity Requires Threat Intelligence and Comprehensive Visibility

Qualys is a sponsor of TechSpective Technology and cybersecurity are constantly changing and evolving—as are the tools, techniques and processes used by cyber attackers. Just because something may have been relatively effective once upon a time doesn’t necessarily mean it

Effective Cybersecurity Requires Threat Intelligence and Comprehensive Visibility Read More »

Qualcomm mesh Wi-Fi node network pervasive AR avatar

Two Advancements Qualcomm Is Using to Create a More Interesting Future

This last week I was at Qualcomm, and they presented a rather impressive vision of a wireless future. That future included some interesting concepts like autonomous cars that could talk to each other (and likely would badmouth me for wanting

Two Advancements Qualcomm Is Using to Create a More Interesting Future Read More »

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