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Rokid Air AR glasses head-mounted display

Evolving the PC and Smartphone: Rokid Air’s AR Glasses are the Best Head-Mounted Display So Far

Rokid Air this month released their long-anticipated augmented reality (AR) glasses but, surprisingly, the glasses make a far better head-mounted display even though they contain the sensors needed for AR. What makes the difference between good AR glasses and a […]

Evolving the PC and Smartphone: Rokid Air’s AR Glasses are the Best Head-Mounted Display So Far Read More »

artificial intelligence machine learning SaaS AI ML

How the evolution of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will transform the Software-as-a-service (SaaS) market

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is becoming an increasingly viable choice for organizations in search of accessibility, functionality, and flexibility. SaaS relies on cloud delivery at scale, available connectivity, and enterprise-grade security. Put simply, the SaaS-based cloud model offers businesses significant resource and

How the evolution of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will transform the Software-as-a-service (SaaS) market Read More »

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